True fire

It dawned on me, all of a sudden.

The answer, I was looking for.

Sometimes, all you have to do is gauge over what kind of person you are to know what brings you happiness.

I was a soul searching, inspiration driven human.

One that loves to question everything, one that loves to listen to people and their stories, one whose love lies in what is beyond human comprehension.

Diving deep into memories from the past, an ever so passionate soul that is me, resurfaced. Now hidden somewhere beneath responsibilities to undertake, choices to make, settled life to make.

All I had heard of was to make peace with yourself to be happy, to find happiness within you.

However, I realized, a reason that makes you driven is also something that can make you happy.

You don’t need a reason to love somebody but you need the zeal or the passion to keep the love alive.

Some people just carry on with their work lives, happy enough that they get paid.

The driving zeal to work is missing or sometimes the spark extinguishes and it affects other areas of life. They start to then blame other people and draw up reasons for our disheveled woeful selves not realizing, it is the spark that now extinguished, needs reignition.

To wake up to a ‘looking forward to something’ feeling, to read or write not because you want to but because it widens your perspective to varied adventures and discoveries and that is your motivation to do it.

There’s a difference between personal interests and gaining personally form something. Having your head into something just for the sake of it but gaining profit is different while being there out of your own will because well not everyone loves what they do and if you are there then it means something to you and that’s what makes you happy.

And I’m not saying each and every person needs it. Some live without the passion, some learn to build it and some need it in their soul from the beginning. And when they meet the correct circumstances, nothing holds them back from showing their true fire.

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